Monday, May 25, 2009

An Oscar Algorithm - Silverlight Real-time 3D Perlin Noise

Perlin Noise Cloud SkyPerlin Noise is a computer graphics algorithm, which is widely used in computer games and movies as a visual effect. It was developed by Ken Perlin in the early 1980's and was used in the movie TRON. In 1997 Perlin received a Technical Achievement Award from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts for his work. So Perlin Noise is an Oscar-winning algorithm and I'm pretty sure almost everyone has seen it before.
Perlin Noise could produce pseudo-random semi-natural textures with fractal characteristics and is mostly used for procedural image generation. The algorithm can be controlled with various parameters and is able to produce good looking cloud / sky, fire, smoke, wood or marble textures and height maps, just to name a few.
In short, the Perlin Noise algorithm generates random noise functions with various frequencies and amplitudes, sums them up and smoothes the result. I don't want to bore you with more mathematical details, which were already explained several times on the web. If you are interested, I refer you to the Wikipedia article and the link section, Ken Perlin's site and to this excellent explanation. 

My Silverlight implementation is the three dimensional improved Perlin Noise algorithm.

The initial Frequency and the Amplitude of the noise function can be changed. The Octaves parameter defines how many iterations of the noise function are summed up. Like in music the frequency is doubled in every subsequent octave. The Persistence controls how much the amplitude changes after each iteration. Press the Randomize button to reinitialize the noise function with new pseudo-random seeds.

How it works
The Perlin Noise computing loop:
for (int i = 0; i < this.Octaves; i++)
   noise += Noise(x * freq, y * freq, z * freq) * amp;
   freq  *= 2;
   amp   *= Persistence;

Each frame the Perlin Noise for every pixel of the 2D destination image is computed in real-time and is used as the alpha value for blending the noise color over the base color, then the z-value is increased. The noise's third dimension, the z-value, is actually used as time for the animation. So each frame the next slice of the 3D noise cube is computed and shown, thus resulting in a smooth animation.
For the source of the destination image the great RawPngBufferStream from the open source GameEngine Balder is used.
int off = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < bufferStream.Height; y++)
   for (int x = 0; x < bufferStream.Width; x++)
      float a = perlinNoise.Compute(x, y, perlinZ);
      float ai = 1 - a;
      bufferStream[off + aOff] = (byte)(a * noiseColor.A + ai * baseColor.A); 
      bufferStream[off + rOff] = (byte)(a * noiseColor.R + ai * baseColor.R);
      bufferStream[off + gOff] = (byte)(a * noiseColor.G + ai * baseColor.G);
      bufferStream[off + bOFF] = (byte)(a * noiseColor.B + ai * baseColor.B);
      off += 4;
if (Chk3D.IsChecked.Value)

Source code
You can download the Silverlight 2 version here. Feel free to use or modify it as you like. If you do so please drop me a line, because I'm curious to know where (you want to) use it. Have fun!

Update 07-26-2009
I updated the project to Silverlight 3. Now it uses the WriteableBitmap instead of Balder's RawPngBufferStream. You can download the updated Visual Studio 2008 solution from here.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Silverlight 2 Real-time Physics Website

It's been 5 years since I developed my previous website in 2004 with Macromedia (Adobe) Flash. A couple of months ago I decided to work on a makeover, which was long overdue. As a media & computer scientist and .Net developer it was a matter of course to give Microsoft's Silverlight 2 a try. I love the ability to write the code in my favorite language C# and having most functionality of the .Net library at hand.

Lightning it up
However, the first Show Stopper was the lack of basic HTML or rich text support in Silverlight 2. I was quite surprised and disappointed that Silverlight Text controls don't provide basic HTML formatting or at least WPF's Inline Hyperlink. I think a lot of people need such a feature. Some guys on Twitter told me that there isn't really a demand for this and it could be done with other techniques, but sometimes performance does matter and an overlayed DIV using Silverlight's windowless mode is just terribly slow.
HTML Link support is essential for this project, because the HTML formatted text is stored in XML files and loaded asynchronously by the ContentPages and then deserialized to POCOs. The controls in turn use Silverlight's great Data Binding mechanism to present the data and load the images.
This XML-based approach gives me the ability to change the content of my site without any recompilation. I also have a fallback solution for non-Silverlight visitors and all that without a redundand information storage. Non-Silverlight visitors could use the POH (Plain Old HTML) version, which is simply the XSL transformation of the underlying XML data. And there's another advantage: If I ever decide to store the data in a database, I just need to change the internal functionality of the data assembly and integrate an ORM framework like NHibernate. The domain models and therefore the DataBinding won't be touched.
My Silverlight website uses the Dependency Injection framework NInject. The whole project, including the physics engine, is developed keeping a contract first design in mind. The usage of the DI pattern and a appropriate framework helps a lot to separate the concerns and produce code with a high maintainability.

Extended Silverlight LinkLabel Control

As I mentioned earlier I was really annoyed by the lack of HTML support in Silverlight and it forced me to extend the Silverlight LinkLabel Control so it supports HTML tags. I was also able to improve the performance of it. TextBlock's performance is still bad, but that's not the fault of the LinkLabel control.
Here is how it works: The original LinkLabel control "parses" the input text and creates a HyperlinkButton for each of the links it founds. The rest of the text is splitted into single words and for each word (!) a TextBlock is created. These many controls are then all added to a WrapPanel, which provides the word wrapping functionality.
I measured the LinkLabel control and encountered that the high number of TextBlocks are killing the performance. Therefore I extended the LinkLabel control by a word grouping functionality. Single words are now grouped to n words and assigned to one TextBlock. This modification reduced the number of TextBlocks and in turn increased the performance significantly. However, a lot of text has still a huge negative impact on the performance. So please Microsoft, implement WPF's Inline Hyperlink into Silverlight. WPF is a desktop technology and has the Inline Hyperlink, but Silverlight as a subset of WPF and RIA platform doesn't come with Inline Hyperlink?! I don't get it.

Soft Body Physics Engine

With my passion for computer graphics and physical simulations it was also a must that my new website simulates real-time physics. That's why I developed a flexible Silverlight soft body physics engine and a simple Renderer. The soft body physic is based on a Newtonian mass-spring system and also implements the Pressure Soft Body Model by Maciej Matyka. The resulting differential equations are solved numerically with a Verlet integration. The engine is flexible designed and could easily be extended. It comes with a constraint system, various types of bodies and force generators, basic collision detection and so on.
The work on the engine is in progress and there's still a lot to be done, but if you want to see it in action, just go to my website click near the balloon and throw it around or grab a corner of the content element. If I find the time, I will continue my work on the engine, hack some demos, release it as open source and blog about it. But I demand high standards of myself and I currently have other projects in the queue, so don't expect a release soon. Especaillay the implemented collision detection is just basic and the development of a proper collision detection system takes some time.


It was a long and tricky task for my first Silverlight and XAML project, but
mostly it was a lot of fun and Silverlight 2 is an awesome step in the right direction. I don't regret that decision. Silverlight is definitely now my favorite platform.

Update 08-07-2009

I submitted my website to the Summer Silverlight Coding Competition. Feel free to vote for it here.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Silverlight Logging Extension Method

Most of you will know that a Silverlight application runs in the Browser and Console.WriteLine() doesn’t work. During the development process you could use System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine() to write messages to Visual Studio’s Output window. But what if an application is deployed and no Visual Studio is nearby and you just want simple Console output and not a logging framework like Clog, where a web service is involved? Or don’t want to use Visual Studio’s Output window?

The answer is simple if you are using Firefox with the Firebug add-on or Internet Explorer 8: Use the console.log mechanism and write your debug output to the Browser’s debug console.

Here's a simple extension method, which logs an object to the console.log:

public static void Log(this object obj)
   HtmlWindow window = HtmlPage.Window;
   var isConsoleAvailable = (bool)window.Eval("typeof(console) != 'undefined' && typeof(console.log) != 'undefined'");
   if (isConsoleAvailable)
      var console = (window.Eval("console.log") as ScriptObject);
      if (console != null)

How to you use it:
"Hello Universe!".Log();
int a = 42;
String.Format("The answer to all questions is {0}.", a).Log();

And that's how the
debug output looks within Firebug:

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Better late than never…

I know I'm late to the game, but I think I'm at a point where I have something to share with the .Net community.
This blog will especially focus on .Net, C# and Silverlight software development and (Microsoft) technology in general. Nothing special you may think, but I also have a passion for algorithms, computer graphics and physical simulations and therefore I always try to implement nice algorithms using modern software development technologies. If you are interested in my previous projects, please visit my website.

You might ask why I have chosen Blogger / Blogspot as platform. It’s easy to use, the setup was smooth, it's free and not over-featured and I don't need super styled Themes. Not at least I could use my Google account. However I was a bit disappointed that Blogger has no integrated syntax highlighting, but I have seen other Google blogs with highlighted syntax. If you have any tips for me, I would appreciate it if you could drop a line in the comments or contact me in another way.

OK, enough for the first introductory post. In the next post I will write about a Silverlight topic.
Let the journey

Photo by Jayme Frye

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

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